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#Bauhaus100years, into #logos we know

Yes, Bauhaus was one of the single most influential cultural movements of the 20th century, and at its heart was an obsession with the “total” work of art. Bauhaus teachings were concerned wi


Uma excelente foto, uma ação e uma hashtag. Qual seria o resultado disso? A imagem é comovente. Visivelmente abalado, um homem caminha por uma rua de Beirute, no Líbano, carregando no colo

#Design a new year!

Yes, how great it would be if we could draw a new world… How many challenges we have! But there is something we cannot hide: we are incredibly able to design a new year, and it starts inside us.

For #GameofThrones!

Game of Thrones is back. And comes to the end. Inspired by the HBO favorite, 30 designers from around the world illustrated 30 characters from the series, each one using their own style. Who would you choose to sit on the throne? We chose four possibilities...

What is #DesignThinking?

Afin de mener un projet à terme de façon innovante, créative et collaborative il est nécessaire de passer par différentes étapes. Le design thinking est une approche de conception globale et collaborative centrée sur l’utilisateur permettant de réaliser des services ou des produits innovants. Cela...