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#Bauhaus100years, into #logos we know

Yes, Bauhaus was one of the single most influential cultural movements of the 20th century, and at its heart was an obsession with the “total” work of art. Bauhaus teachings were concerned wi


Uma excelente foto, uma ação e uma hashtag. Qual seria o resultado disso? A imagem é comovente. Visivelmente abalado, um homem caminha por uma rua de Beirute, no Líbano, carregando no colo

#Design a new year!

Yes, how great it would be if we could draw a new world… How many challenges we have! But there is something we cannot hide: we are incredibly able to design a new year, and it starts inside us.

#DesignThinking, why?

How many times have you left a formal meeting and doubted that anything was actually going to change? So many times we get together to solve a problem and nothing is accomplished—it’s frustrating. Sadly, many approaches to solving business challenges are misaligned for various reasons—pick...

A new view for the #BusinessCard?

Business card, everyone has one. But sometimes it seems that, at some point, they are not relevant anymore. Aren't they? What do you think? Off course, it could be "simple" to say but the one who knows what Design can do, is aware that a great...

Beaux affiches des equipes de la #WorldCup!

La Coupe du Monde 2018 en Russie a déjà commencé. Le planète tout entier est devant la télé, pour voir le grand spectacle du football. La creativité a rempli le cœur de l'agence Studio JQ et ils ont crée des affiches, basées sur certaines équipes qui seront en...

Happy #ServiceDesignDay!

When you have 2 coffee shops, right next to each other, selling the exact same coffee with one common price, each one you'll go? Service Design will answer you. Do you know why? Because you can design a user-centric service that it's useful and easy to...

Communication digitale Vs communication traditionnelle

La communication traditionnelle Pour une entreprise de XXeme siècle (où Internet n’était pas développé comme aujourd’hui), communiquer signifiait définir des objectifs et développer des stratégies et des messages pour les diffuser ensuite à travers deux principales voies : via les médias de communication ou via ce...

#IWD2018… Women design beauty!

Did you know that Susan Kare designed many of the interface elements for the Apple Macintosh computer in the 1980s? Or that Carolyn Davidson created the Nike “swoosh” logo for the brand in 1971? Women with boundless talent, originality, and creativity have been rocking the field...