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#Bauhaus100years, into #logos we know

Yes, Bauhaus was one of the single most influential cultural movements of the 20th century, and at its heart was an obsession with the “total” work of art. Bauhaus teachings were concerned wi


Uma excelente foto, uma ação e uma hashtag. Qual seria o resultado disso? A imagem é comovente. Visivelmente abalado, um homem caminha por uma rua de Beirute, no Líbano, carregando no colo

#Design a new year!

Yes, how great it would be if we could draw a new world… How many challenges we have! But there is something we cannot hide: we are incredibly able to design a new year, and it starts inside us.

Etude sur les #resauxSociaux en Tunisie

Le MEDIANET a réalisé une étude sur les principaux réseaux sociaux, qui a donné lieu à 4 articles : un premier dévoilant les chiffres clés sur les connectés africains, un deuxième focalisé sur Facebook, un troisième sur Instagram et un quatrième sur LinkedIn. Dance cet article,...

#Esprit animal

Avec l'avancement de la technologie, plusieurs domaines qui l'utilisent progressent ensemble, comme c'est le cas de l'industrie de l'art, de la publicité, entre autres. Mais parfois, le simple et le bien employé sont plus efficaces et plus agréables à voir que quelque chose de très...

#Empathy Bridge for Autism

What drives social innovation? The answer to this question may be infinite, but if it were to choose a universal capacity, it would be the feeling of empathy. Understanding the feeling and / or need of another individual may be one of the factors in...

L’art de #pixeliser le quotidien

L'artiste japonais Toshiya Masuda dans la série "Low pixel CG", apporte comme thème principal la représentation des objets du quotidien, facilitant l'interaction entre les objets et leurs observateurs. Ces idées se rejoignent dans des objets en céramique en forme de pixels, présentant un haut niveau...

New + good #Logos for Lacoste

Lacoste has worked closely with BTEC and the IUCN to design the limited edition logos, which are in the same embroidery style as the globally renowned crocodile. The French fashion company has correlated the number of available shirts with the number of animals that remain...

Vision of #Empathy

The word “empathy” is a translation of a German word “einfühlung.” Einfühlung was a word invented to explain how it is that people can come to experience a sense of unity (often referred to as “oneness”) with a piece of art work. It describes an...