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#Bauhaus100years, into #logos we know

Yes, Bauhaus was one of the single most influential cultural movements of the 20th century, and at its heart was an obsession with the “total” work of art. Bauhaus teachings were concerned wi


Uma excelente foto, uma ação e uma hashtag. Qual seria o resultado disso? A imagem é comovente. Visivelmente abalado, um homem caminha por uma rua de Beirute, no Líbano, carregando no colo

#Design a new year!

Yes, how great it would be if we could draw a new world… How many challenges we have! But there is something we cannot hide: we are incredibly able to design a new year, and it starts inside us.

Happy #ServiceDesignDay!

Il est plus que jamais important d’offrir à vos clients des produits et services qui leur apportent entière satisfaction. Mais comment rendre cette expérience unique ? L’utilisation du design de services est l’une des solutions Design is arguably now focused on the interaction between people and...

#selfie avec célébrités

Imaginez si vous pouviez entrer dans une machine à remonter le temps et rencontrer une célébrité du passé, qui choisiriez-vous? Malheureusement, la science moderne n'est toujours pas en mesure de nous emmener personnellement dans le passé, mais il existe une technologie qui s'en rapproche: Photoshop. La photographe...