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#Bauhaus100years, into #logos we know

Yes, Bauhaus was one of the single most influential cultural movements of the 20th century, and at its heart was an obsession with the “total” work of art. Bauhaus teachings were concerned wi


Uma excelente foto, uma ação e uma hashtag. Qual seria o resultado disso? A imagem é comovente. Visivelmente abalado, um homem caminha por uma rua de Beirute, no Líbano, carregando no colo

#Design a new year!

Yes, how great it would be if we could draw a new world… How many challenges we have! But there is something we cannot hide: we are incredibly able to design a new year, and it starts inside us.

Pourquoi faut-il penser mobile ?

Dans ce monde de plus en plus mobile - First, il est nécessaire pour les entreprise d'avoir son application mobile ( native ou developpé sur mesure) Pourquoi s’intéresser au mobile ? Parce que sur les 7,5 milliards d’habitants, 3,81 milliards sont internautes (51%) et 2,91 milliards sont actifs sur...


Vejam como objetos sem nenhuma relação se encaixam muito bem numa mente criativa do artista Stephen Mcmennamy com divertidas e criativas fotografias. ...

Who is #TheLastJedi?

Yes, we are nerds. And we love Star Wars. In these days we gonna know who are the last jedi (no spoiler, please). But when you play with PS4, you gonna become one. This is what this good advertising shows to us. So, may the...