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Author: Freehandesign

L’art de #pixeliser le quotidien

L'artiste japonais Toshiya Masuda dans la série "Low pixel CG", apporte comme thème principal la représentation des objets du quotidien, facilitant l'interaction entre les objets et leurs observateurs. Ces idées se rejoignent dans des objets en céramique en forme de pixels, présentant un haut niveau...

New + good #Logos for Lacoste

Lacoste has worked closely with BTEC and the IUCN to design the limited edition logos, which are in the same embroidery style as the globally renowned crocodile. The French fashion company has correlated the number of available shirts with the number of animals that remain...

Vision of #Empathy

The word “empathy” is a translation of a German word “einfühlung.” Einfühlung was a word invented to explain how it is that people can come to experience a sense of unity (often referred to as “oneness”) with a piece of art work. It describes an...